Long-Tail Keywords: What They Are & How to Use Them

Staff Writer
Last Updated
February 9, 2024
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Achieving higher rankings is a primary goal in SEO strategy to gain more organic traffic for your site. Thus, it is important to understand how SEO works especially if you aim to be on Google's first page. With the expansive universe of search engine optimization (SEO), long-tail keywords have emerged as one of the most crucial players to enhance visibility and drive targeted traffic to websites. 

What Is a Long-Tail Keyword?

Long-tail keywords represent more specific search queries comprising three or more words. More often than not, long-tail keywords have relatively low search volumes. But when added together, long-tail keywords can have a great impact on the overall searches.

Long-tail keywords are contrasted with short-tail or head keywords, as the latter is often much broader and more general. Thus, long-tail keywords are much better suited to users seeking precise information, products, or services. Long-tail keywords can help to refine search results and match them with exact needs. Because long-tail keywords are more specific types of keywords, people who search about this on the internet are more likely to make a purchase or contact you afterward.

How Do Long-Tail Keywords Work?

Long-tail keywords work by aligning closely with user intent, delivering content that precisely addresses what a searcher is looking for. Understanding long-tail keywords involves grasping their role in search engine algorithms. Often, the phrases you choose can have lower search volumes but higher conversion rates due to their specificity.

If you are a new or small business who opts to go with shorter keywords, oftentimes you have to face tough competition to achieve the ranking and lower ROI. Conversely, when you try to leverage long-tail keywords, it might yield less traffic but it can significantly boost ROI. Long-tail keywords work by targeting a specific audience, thus you can attract customers better and ensure their visit converts to sales.

What Are Long-Tail Keyword Examples?

As previously mentioned, there are two types of keywords. - long-tail keyword and short keyword. As its name implies, short keywords are not long and not very specific. Here are some examples of short keywords:

  • Cleaning Service
  • SEO Agency
  • Digital Marketing

If you want to use this kind of phrase as your keyword, it is important to create a thorough strategy as it will require extra energy and cost to rank on the first SERPs.

On the other hand, incorporating long-tail keyword variations into your SEO campaigns can be a win-win situation. It won't only improve your search rankings, increase targeted search traffic, and even reduce costs per click. Below are some examples of long-tail keywords:

  • Singapore house cleaning services
  • Professional house cleaning services in Singapore
  • Affordable SEO services in Singapore
  • Top-rated SEO agency for local businesses
  • Cheap quarterly aircon servicing in Bukit Panjang
  • Best price Dyson air purifier in Singapore
  • Buy Adidas Samba size US 7 white
  • Best affordable gaming laptops under S$1000

Do keep in mind that depending on your site's content themes and volume, building an extensive and relevant list of long-tail keywords is crucial.

What Are the Benefits of Long-Tail Keywords?

Here are some of the benefits of using long-tail keywords in your SEO and marketing strategy! 

Drive Targeted Traffic

Long-tail keywords attract users who are more specific in their search intent. They cater to niche queries, ensuring that the traffic drawn to your site is highly relevant. For example, when someone is searching for the “best SEO agency in Singapore” it is more likely that they are looking for an agency option in Singapore that knows about the local condition, rather than just any agency around the world.

Enhance Conversion Rates

Because long-tail keywords are more specific and align closely with what users are looking for, they often lead to higher conversion rates. Visitors who come from long-tail searchers are generally more likely to take action or make a purchase.

Reduce Competition

Long-tail keywords are more specific and have lower search volumes when compared to short and generic keywords. This specificity means fewer businesses are targeting these exact phrases, reducing competition for ranking. This can allow smaller businesses to compete in the competition.

Foster Better Engagement

Long-tail keywords connect with users who are seeking precise information or solutions. When your content directly addresses their needs, it can foster better engagement. This means that the visitors will be more likely to spend time on your site, explore various pages, and interact with your content. 

Easier to Rank

Due to the less competitive nature, long-tail keywords can make it easier for a website to rank higher in search results regarding some specific terms. This is particularly beneficial for newer websites or SMEs who are looking for a way to improve their visibility in a particular niche.

Less Expensive Pay-per-Click (PPC) 

In advertising, long-tail keywords often have lower competition. This can lead to reduced costs for PPC campaigns. You can adverse these specific phrases with lower cost, while still able to reach an audience with high purchase intent.

How to Find a Long-Tail Keyword?

Discovering effective long-tail keywords involves employing various strategies and tools. To find long-tail keywords, it is important to do a deep analysis of the related search queries and understand the niche-specific language used by the target audience. 

Perform Keyword Gap Analysis

You can use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to compare your keyword portfolio with competitors. These tools can help you identify the keywords that your competitors rank for that you might be missing. Being able to identify these gaps can help you find long-tail keywords that your competitors are using successfully but you haven't targeted yet.

Google Search Feature

Google’s autocomplete feature can be a wonderful strategy to help you find long-tail keywords. What you can do is by tying a keyword related to your niche into the search bar, and see what auto queries you can see under the search bar. These suggestions are often long-tail queries that help you indicate popular and relevant search terms.

Forum Sites

Online forums related to your industry or niche often host discretion where any users can ask specific questions or seek advice. This conversation can provide insight into the specific phrases your target audience may use. 

Google Ads Keyword Planner

Although this tool is primarily designed for PPC campaigns, the Google Ads Keyword Planner can also assist you in finding long-tail keywords. It can provide data on search volumes, competition, and related keyword suggestions. More than that, this tool can also help you identify longer and more specific keywords that align with your content creation strategy.

Each of these methods can offer a great way to help you find the best long-tail keywords to utilize. Combining these approaches can produce a comprehensive list of long-tail keywords that can help enhance your SEO strategy.

How to Use a Long-Tail Keyword?

Effectively integrating long-tail keywords into content involves a delicate balance. You should ensure that these phrases are seamlessly incorporated into titles, headings, meta descriptions, and the body of the content. Prioritizing user value over keyword stuffing is crucial to maintaining readability and relevance.

Make sure to avoid some common mistakes that many people often make when using this strategy. Mistakes such as overusing keywords, neglecting user intent, and targeting excessively niche phrases with low search volume. 

Final Thoughts

Long-tail keywords stand as pillars in the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, offering an effective approach to connecting businesses with their target audience. Elevate your SEO strategy with targeted long-tail keywords tailored to your unique needs. Use Cardinal Digital SEO services to ensure you can get high-quality, precise keywords for an impactful result, guided by an expert SEO consultant in Singapore!

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